Page layouts

Page layouts allow maximum customization of each page according to every user’s specific role. This article explains how to create a new page layout, edit an existing page layout, assign page layouts to specific roles, and more.

Creating a new page layout

Important note: Page layouts can only be added by users with Create and Read page permissions. To configure role permissions see the following article.

Page layouts allow you to customize the appearance of each user's page based on their role permissions. By combining the various components, you can create your own layout based on your needs.

To create a new page layout, first open the editor for the object with the page you’d like to edit. To learn more see our object studio article. You can now view all pages of the selected object under Pages. To create a new page, click the New button. This will open a page layout dialog box. Select the desired layout, and then click Next.

If you’d like to create a new page which is similar to one of your existing pages, you can use the duplicate option. Find details and further options below.

To learn how to customize your page layouts by adding and editing page components, click here.

Editing an existing page layout

Important note: Page layouts can only be edited by users with Edit and Read page permissions. To configure role permissions see the following article.

You can access and then edit an existing page layout using two different methods. The first is very similar to the process detailed above. Go to the Object Studio, select the object type which contains the page layout you would like to edit, and then click Pages. Now you can click on any of the existing page layouts to open and edit their settings.

The second option allows you to edit an existing page layout directly from a record. Go to an object’s record which displays the page layout you would like to edit, and then click the three dot menu on the top right of the page. By clicking Edit Page from the drop down menu, you can open and edit this page layout. 

Please note: By using the Object Studio you can access and edit any page layout you’d like. By using a specific record you can edit the specific page layout assigned to your role for the object type of the record.

Assigning a page to a role

The system allows you to assign specific permissions to each page you create. By assigning roles to pages, you can set which page layout each user will view based on their system role. You can create individual pages for as many or as few roles as you would like within the system.

By clicking on the Assign button, you'll open a dialog box where you can select which roles will view this page. Clicking on a role's name assigns it to a page while clicking on the X next to its name removes it from a page. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the roles from one side to the other.

Please note: If you assign the same role to multiple pages, only the last assigned page will be displayed. Furthermore, users will automatically be assigned to the default page of an object if their role is not assigned to a specific page.

Finally, click Save on the bottom right. This will immediately activate the set role assignment. By using page assignments, you can customize the system for each role in your organization, so that each team will only see the information which is relevant to them.

Other options

  • Duplicate: You can duplicate the current page by clicking on the three-dot menu and selecting Duplicate. This is a great way to create a new page which is similar to an existing page and will use the existing page as a template.
  • Delete: You can delete the current page by clicking on the three-dot menu and selecting Delete.
  • Edit name: You can change the page name by clicking it (New Layout is the default page name).
  • Preview: You can choose the type of page preview to display by clicking on the Desktop or Mobile Phone icons.

Be sure to click Save in the top right corner once you've finished setting up your page.

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