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How to contact our support team

Learn how to get in touch with Fireberry’s support team, who can help you with any questions or concerns about the system.

There are a couple of different channels which you can use to contact the department. For each type of inquiry you can use the relevant channel. Below you’ll find an explanation on how to contact our support team. For any questions or issues with the system, use the methods described below to reach out.

Important note: Our updated communication channels will take effect starting April 8th, 2024.

Submit a ticket

If you’re experiencing an issue with the system, you can easily report it. Simply submit a ticket using the link here

When filling out the ticket form, be sure to fill out all the different fields so we can understand the issue in depth and reach out with possible solutions. After filling in all your new ticket’s details and attaching files which demonstrate the issue, click Submit to send the ticket to our support team.

Another way to open the Submit a Ticket page is by clicking the ? question mark icon at the top right of any system page and then selecting the Submit a Ticket option.

Please note: If necessary, the support team will pass on your ticket to the support management team or the professional services team.

Email support

Much like tickets, if you’re experiencing an issue with your system or have a question about the system, you can reach out to our support team via email. 

The email to use for inquiries is:

In the email be sure to include if you’re experiencing an issue or simply have a question, and provide as much detail as possible. If you’re writing about a system error or issue, explain the issue according to the note below.

Chat support

Our chat is open during standard work hours. 

Using the chat you can ask us about anything, whether you have a question or you’re experiencing an issue. To open the chat, first click the ? question mark at the top right of any system page. Then, under the Useful Links section click Chat with support. This will open the chat box, where you can click Send us a message to get in touch with the support team. 

Important note: If you are experiencing an issue with the system be sure to prepare the following two things:
  1. An explanation of the issue, which explains both how the system should be working and what is actually happening in your system.
  2. A screenshot or video of the issue, so the support team can better understand it.
By including these details, we can address your issue as soon as possible.

After sending in the details mentioned above, report the issue using the steps provided by the chat box. 

If you’re looking for guidance on the system, use one of the two options detailed below. 

Consultation calls

You can use the system to book a consultation call with a member of our support team. Each call is 15 minutes long and will be a video call where you can share your screen with our support representative. Within the call you can go over any topic you’d like in the system, and ask questions about topics you’d like to delve into. 

Important note: The number of consultation calls is limited per account and per month. The amount of calls you can schedule will be based on your total account, and not on any single user. Each month your calls will reset to their full amount, so that if you have used all your calls you can simply schedule a meeting next month. Additionally, the amount of calls available to your account is based on your license; Learn more here.

Scheduling a call

To schedule a consultation call, first click the ? question mark icon on the top right of any system page, and then select the Consultation Calls option. 

This will open our consultation calls calendar, where you can look at the availability and select a date and time that works for you. To start, check the time zone at the bottom of the page to ensure the time slots displayed match the time zone you work in. If you’d like to switch the time zone, simply click on the current time zone and then search for and select a new one. Next, select the date you’d like to schedule the meeting for, and then on the right choose one of the available time slots. After clicking a time, you’ll be brought to a page where you can set the rest of your meeting details.

On the left you can confirm the date, time, and time zone of your meeting. On the right you can set your meeting details. Fill out your full name, work email, and click the Add Guests button to add any guests to the meeting. They will receive the email invitation with the confirmation option and the link to join the meeting. Next fill in the details of the meeting. Try to include the topics you’d like to discuss and as much detail as possible, so our team can come prepared and save you time in your meeting. After filling in all the details, click Schedule Event to schedule your consultation call.

After scheduling your meeting, a confirmation page will open and an email will be sent to you and to any of the guests you’ve invited. Make sure to confirm you’ll be attending the meeting by opening the email and clicking Yes

Important note: Be sure to confirm at least one attendees attendance before the meeting. If there are no confirmations, your meeting will not take place.

Joining your booked call

By confirming the consultation call, it will be added to your email’s calendar. To join your scheduled call, simply open up the confirmation email and click the Join with Google Meet option. This will open up the page where your scheduled video call will take place.

Tip: If you’re using a Gmail account, you can find the link for the call directly from the event which was added to your Google calendar. Simply click on the meeting to open its details and then select the Join with Google Meet option.

Rescheduling or canceling a call

You can easily reschedule or cancel a consultation call you’ve previously scheduled. Be sure to do so up to 24 hours in advance.

Important note: After the 24 hour mark, your meeting will count as one of your monthly consultation calls even if you reschedule, cancel, or simply don’t show up.

To reschedule or cancel, first find either the email or calendar event with the details of the call. You’ll find a section titled Need to make changes to this event? where you’ll find links to cancel or reschedule your call.

To cancel your call click the link after Cancel. This will open the cancel page, where you’ll be prompted to fill out your name and the reason you’d like to cancel the call. Click Cancel Event to fully cancel your call. A confirmation page will open and you’ll receive an email confirming your consultation call has been canceled.

If you’d instead like to reschedule your call, simply click the link next to Reschedule. This will open a page similar to the one you used to schedule your meeting. Select a new date and time for your meeting and click the Next button beside the selected time. This will bring you to the rescheduling page, where you’ll be able to see the former time of your meeting and the newly selected time. To reschedule your meeting, fill in your name and the reason for rescheduling, and then click Update Event. A confirmation page will open, and you’ll receive an email with the updated invitation for your meeting. You can then use the steps above to confirm and join the call. 

Please note: Canceling or rescheduling a call will affect both you and any other guests who were invited to the call.

Professional Services

If you have multiple more complex questions about the system, or would like help understanding different parts of the system, try out our professional services team. 

You can meet with them to go over any part of the system in depth and gain a better understanding of how the system can work best for you. Our professional services team can help you and walk you through an hour long personal training session. 

To request a professional services meeting, submit a ticket, which you can do here. In the ticket set your contact details, and under the What would you like to do? section select the Request a paid training option. Then pick any relevant category, and make sure to set a relevant Subject. Describe the type of information or services you’re looking for in the Description field, and attach any relevant documents. Don’t worry, the information you write here is simply a starting point, and won’t limit what can be discussed in your meeting. After submitting your ticket, the Professional Services team will be in touch to schedule a meeting.

Help resources

At any point you’re welcome to visit our different help resources, where you’ll find in depth explanations on all the different topics in the system. 

  • To open our help center, where you can find articles about any system topic you’d like to learn about, click here.
  • For our YouTube channel, where you can watch videos and webinars about many different system topics, click here.
  • If you’re a developer, you can use our API documentation here to send out API requests and receive responses in real time. 

Other helpful resources

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