Widget types

With Fireberry, you can create custom visual widgets, such as KPI tables and Pie charts, to help you better manage your business and gain valuable insights.

We encourage you to read Getting Started with Dashboards article before moving onto the next step of adding widgets.

Adding a Pie Widget

The Pie chart provides a quick and easy way to illustrate numerical proportion. The arc length of each slice is proportional to the quantity it represents and to other slices, allowing you to see the breakdown of different records in the system.

Click Add Widget on the right side of the screen. The widget editing window will appear. Select Pie in the top bar.

Select the data type based on the object displayed in the graph. Let's choose Accounts for this example.

Name the widget and select which field should be displayed in the pie chart.

We’ll name it Geographic account segmentation. Select Billing City under Field Name and Number Of Records > Sum under Values. A preview of the widget will appear on the right.

Sometimes, when creating a new account, the Billing City field isn't filled in. To exclude all empty fields from the graph, use the filter tool: to display only fields with a country filled in them, set the operator to Is Not Empty.

 Important note: You can apply grouping filters when you have multiple conditions, but they are not dependent on each other. In this case, the view will be filtered when one of the conditions is met. To do this, click Advanced… under the Filter section. A new header will show up, indicating that one of the following conditions must be met. Add your filters and click Save.

Adding a Column Widget

The Column widget organizes data vertically. One axis describes the variable value, and the second axis describes the relative frequency of the variable.


Click Add Widget on the right side of the screen. The widget editing window will appear > select Column.

The following window will appear:

Select the type of data to be displayed in the chart - in this example, we will choose Accounts. Name the widget and specify which values will be displayed in the chart. 

Pick – Number Of Records > Sum.

Field Name is the vertical bar in the chart. You can select any field included in the record. We'll select Account Owner - a preview of the chart will appear on the right side:


If you want to further segment your data, Select Group By. Display the data grouping - one on top of the other or side by side. In our example, we will select grouping by Status, one on top of the other, and now the graph will look like this:

Finally, click Add Filter to display only the data you want to see. For example, you can add two different filters:

  • Status > Is Not Equal To > Closed. The list will display only active accounts.
  • Created On>This Month. The list will display only new accounts created this month.

Adding a Bar Widget

The Bar widget presents the data horizontally: one axis describes the variable value, and the second axis describes the relative frequency of the variable. 

Click Add Widget on the right side of the screen. The widget editing window will appear. Select Bar in the top bar.

Now, select the type of data to be displayed in the chart. In this example, we will choose  Accounts. Name the Bar widget, and then select the field you want to display in the chart -  we'll pick the Status field. 

Now, you can set Values to be Number Of Records>Sum.

Finally, click Save.

Adding a Line Widget

Line widgets are very common dashboard widgets. You can use them between groups of objects and identify trends in your business over time.

Click Add Widget on the right side of the screen. The widget editing window will appear > select Line.

Now, choose the type of data to be displayed in the chart. In this example, we will choose Accounts

Give the widget an appropriate title and then select the field you wish to display from the account card - in this example, we'll select Created On. Note that you can decide whether the graph will display months, weeks, days, etc.We will choose Week. Now, because we want to display the number of new accounts per week, we will choose Number Of Records>Sum under Values. If you wish to add additional data to the chart, select Group By. In this example, we've grouped the chart by Lead Source.

To finish, click Save. The widget now displays the number of new accounts by month and their lead sources, along with a legend at the bottom of the chart.

Adding  a Table Widget

With the Table widget, you can arrange data in rows and columns. The total (sum) of all values is calculated by adding one more column or row.

To generate a Table widget click Add Widget on the right side of the screen. The widget editing window will appear. Select Table in the top bar.

Select the type of data that will be included in the chart. In this example, let's choose the Accounts. Name the table and choose which field from the account card will be shown in the chart.

For example, you can choose Lead Source, and set the Values to be Number Of Records > Sum. Finally, click Save.

We've created a chart displaying the number of accounts according to their source of contact.

Adding a Parameter Widget

The Parameter widget is very useful for tracking and displaying your business targets. With Parameters, you can calculate the success rate of the goals you have set for yourself.

To add a Parameter widget to your dashboard, follow the steps below:

Click Add Widget on the right side of the screen.

The widget editing window will appear - select Parameter.

The Parameter view displays a single data type of your choice. You can place several parameters side by side as separate widgets.

The first step is to select the type of data that will be displayed in the Parameter widget. Let's create a widget that displays deals related to Bob, one of the account managers in the system. Select Deals and name the widget "Bob- Deals". Choose Amount > Sum. Set the desired goal to 200,000 dollars per year, and choose the graph's color. The parameter automatically calculates the success rate of the goal you have set.

Note that the preview shows the data that was pulled based on a time frame you've specified - in our case, This Year. Finally, click Add Filter and select John as the owner.

Adding a KPI Table Widget

The KPI table widget allows you to monitor and analyze complex data in your CRM platform in real-time. Learn how to easily track your business performance and measure your company's success in accomplishing key business goals and predefined targets.

The KPI Table widget allows you to display multiple parameters in a single table. It is extremely useful when comparing different parameters such as, conversion rates, business effectiveness, and more.

For example, let’s evaluate the user’s effectiveness by measuring three parameters: Number of projects managed by the user, number of meetings associated with new leads, and number of tasks associated with new leads.

 Important note: The KPI Table merges between existing Parameter widgets in the system. Therefore, you should generate separate Parameter widgets before adding the KPI table. Click here to learn how to add a Parameter widget to your system. Sometimes, When adding parameters to the KPI Table, we must relate fields to each other. In our example, in Projects, the Project Owner field is related to the relevant user/worker.

To generate KPI Table click Add Widget on the right side of the screen. The widget editing window will appear; Select KPI Table in the top bar.

Now, select the type of data to be displayed in the chart. In this example, we will choose Users. Give the table an appropriate title, and then select Full Name under Field Name.

To add the first parameter, click Add Parameter and name it- "Projects".

Now, choose integer as the Value Type, and select the parameter you have already created - Number of projects. 

Finally, to display the number of projects according to their owner click Filter By and select Project Owner. A new column has been created in the preview panel.

Note that Parameter Name is a mandatory field and so it must be filled. The name can be automatically filled according to the selected parameter, or you can choose to edit it yourself. 

Similarly, add the other two parameters to the KPI Table (Number of meetings associated with new leads, and number of tasks related to new leads). Don't forget to filter them both by User. You have now created a new KPI table displaying all three parameters together.

The KPI Table widget allows you to apply different calculations and formulas. This can be a powerful tool for measuring success based on specific business goals. One common example is measuring conversion rates in different units within the business. 

As an example, let’s create a KPI widget that displays the business’ customer conversion rate. Conversion rate measures how successfully your sales department converts potential customers (or leads) into active or paying customers.

To do so, select the KPI Table widget, name it, and then select Users as the data type displayed. Now, add the relevant parameters: “All accounts” & “Active accounts”. 

Note that you can add different filters to each of the parameters. For example, filtering new leads in a selected period (last month/quarter/year). 

To calculate the conversion rate, you need to create another Parameter widget - "Conversion rate". Now, you can apply the desired calculation: Select Percent in the Value Type input, and then insert the following formula: “IF(All accounts = 0 , 0 , Active accounts / All accounts)”.

Finally, save the formula and click Save to generate the conversion rate table widget.

 Tip: Before adding a new widget to your dashboard, it is important to Identify the exact analysis or insights you want to gain from it. It can be related to some business pain points or workflows you want to monitor efficiently. For example, if you want to compare between groups of records, a Pie widget can be useful. For identifying particular trends, a line chart can be the right widget type for your business. Once you select the right widget, you can start converting your data into useful insights and use your dashboards to make informed business decisions.

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